5 Types of Anxiety and Depression Identified

Stanford University researchers have identified 5 categories of anxiety and depression that cut across the current diagnoses, and aim to provide more effective treatment for millions of people who suffer with these issues.  Sometimes people with these difficulties, as well as the professionals who diagnose and treat these problems, have a hard time identifying the difficulty with which they’re dealing. The identified categories are: (more…)

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Awe-Inspiring Photo of the Universe

Albert Einstein said that “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead.” (more…)

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How Much Sex Makes a Couple Happy?

Sexual intimacy changes over time and in the heat of an early relationship, sex can occur daily or at least several times a week, but over time passions cool and sex happens a lot less often.  According to a study of more than 25,000 people published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science, two-thirds of them either married or in a long-term romantic relationship, on average, benefits maxed out at sex about once a week.  (more…)

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Short and Long Term Relationship Destroyers

Relationships can be fragile and there are a lot of ways to harm the bond that brings a couple together. A study in the journal ‘Personality and Social Psychology’ has identified the top 20 short and long-term traits, habits and other factors that damage love relationships.


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Losing the weight of the world

booklwwcover2Published by Doubleday/Berkeley (Translated into 4 languages)

In Losing the Weight of the World, Jonathan Kramer, PhD and Diane Dunaway Kramer combine the knowledge of modern psychology with eternal principles common to most religions to explain how we can have a happier, calmer and more fulfilling life. They show us how to find love, breathe more healthfully, enjoy ourselves, calm racing thoughts, and experience our goodness, self worth and peace of mind.

“A wonderfully intelligent, clear, comprehensive guide to living a wise, balanced and compassionate spiritual life. Losing the Weight of the World delivers complex ideas in a highly absorbable, user-friendly way. This book is equally valuable for new seekers on the path or longtime travelers.” — Belleruth Naparstek, author, Invisible Heroes

“A comprehensive self-help program that is both immediately helpful and genuinely transformative. The authors address the complicated and painful dilemmas of human existence with clarity of vision and gentle compassion…and allow readers to design their own program of self-improvement. We highly recommend it!” — Pathways Magazine

“A self-help menu for the soul…Most readers will be able to identify with the issues discussed here, including stress, self-criticism, emotional complexity, and the pace of life. Helpful, solid information.” — Library Journal

“A great collection of ancient wisdom presented in a clear, intelligent, and moving style… I give it my highest rating.” — Bernie Siegel, MD, author, Love, Medicine & Miracles

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Why men don’t get enough sex and women don’t get enough love

bookwhycoverPublished by Simon & Schuster (Translated into 8 languages)

Why Men Don’t Get Enough Sex and Women Don’t Get Enough Love offers couples hope and a plan for a new, more loving relationship. Part One of the book lays out the problem between women and men, and explains why men and women often misunderstand each other, resulting in mutual frustration and conflict. Part Two offers a Woman’s Program and a Man’s Program, to help couples get beyond the battling and frustration, to a relationship that creates greater intimacy, love and sex.

“Jonathan Kramer and Diane Dunaway’s book advocates rethinking how men and women relate, accepting what is and allowing for the differences… Kramer and Dunaway have offered avenues to reconciliation where women can get the loving they want and men can get a better sex life with their mate.” — San Francisco Examiner

Based on years of research, WHY MEN DON’T GET ENOUGH SEX AND WOMEN DON’T GET ENOUGH LOVE offers compassionate, thoughtful advice…” — Toronto Sun

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36 Behaviors that Reveal Romantic Attraction

How can you tell if someone is interested and flirting with you? Look at what they say and do – but look carefully because the signs are subtle and maybe different than what you expect. Researcher Jeffrey Hall at the University of Kansas has identified 36 verbal and nonverbal actions that show whether you’re interested in another person… (more…)

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